Coolidge nominates Frank Kellogg, the ambassador to Great Britain, to be secretary of state, and William Jardine to be AgSec. Kellogg’s education ended before high school.
Cal also names George Parks the next governor of Alaska. Unlike every previous governor, he actually lives there. He’s a mining engineer, currently the Assistant Supervisor of Surveys of Public Lands for Alaska, but he had the luck to have shown Pres. Harding around on the Alaska wing of his last, fatal tour and made an impression with Harding’s entourage. No one is more surprised by the appointment than Parks.
Former Texas Gov. James Ferguson rejects the idea of a constitutional amendment to reverse his impeachment, because it would be expensive and would take place in the summer. No, he thinks the state senate should “resolve itself into a court” and undo the impeachment (which would allow him to run for state office again).
The Parks Highway goes from Anchorage to Fairbanks, and I used to think it was named that because it went through Denali National Park. "No," somebody said, "It was named for this guy named Parks." Got it.