Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Today -100: February 19, 1925: Of Navy backbones, helium, and swimmin’

The secretaries of war and the navy want Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell of the Army Air Service punished for expressing his pro-aeroplane, anti-battleship views to the House committee yesterday. Or that’s the rumor, which also says he’ll be called into the White House for a spanking (at any rate he will be demoted, then court-martialed, and then resign before the end of the year). The General Board of the Navy says battleships will continue to be the backbone of the Navy and have proven they can withstand aerial bombardment. They want an $80 million modernization program; Coolidge thinks $30 million is quite enough.

Headline of the Day -100:

Than who? Than what?

Charles Ponzi goes on trial in Boston for fraud in his 1920 Ponzi scheme.

The Senate bans the export of helium. 

As the 68th Congress winds down, the Senate spends most of a session discussing whether to create a swimming beach for negroes between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial on the opposite side of the tidal basin of the whites-only beach which was created in 1918. Finally, they strip funding for the segregated beach from the DC Appropriation Bill, closing it. In June it will be ordered dismantled. It was getting increasingly polluted and unsafe anyway. More here.

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