Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today -100: February 20, 1925: Of confiscation, evolution, and fakes

Pres. Coolidge calls for ending federal inheritance taxes, saying combined with state taxes “the total burden approaches, if it is not actually, confiscation.” He says it’s socialism “under the guise of a law to collect revenue.”

The North Carolina Legislature kills a resolution against the teaching of evolution in state schools.

Charlie Chaplin is in court, suing one of his imitators, Charles Amador, who performs on film as Charles Aplin, using such Little Tramp signatures as baggy pants, under-sized derby, and the walk. Chaplin testifies that it’s the combination of these elements that creates a character who is “a symbol, a satire on humanity.” He says people have been fooled into seeing the pretender’s movies.

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