The Senate will consider the Supreme Court nomination of Harlan Fiske Stone in open session.
Former director of the Veterans’ Bureau Charles Forbes and contractor John Thompson are sentenced to 2 years in prison and fined $10,000. Forbes and Thompson claim to be the victim of the “malice of Mortimer,” the informer Elias Mortimer, who was a middleman in the bribe deal and claims Forbes slept with his wife.
VP Charles Dawes finally explains why he refused Coolidge’s offer to sit in on Cabinet meetings: the president should only have people there who he trusts, so establishing a precedent that veeps sit in the Cabinet might prove embarrassing for a future president who doesn’t trust his veep.
My favoirte quotes regarding Forbes and Thompson: “I may say the Court was surprised that these two defendants listened to the recital of evidence against them for forty-four days, and then did not go on the witness stand to refute the charges” “Forbes, declaring his entire innocence of the charges of conspiring with Thompson to give the latter and his associates all the Veterans’ Bureau hospital contracts, declared he was the victim of circumstances and would fight to the last ditch.” “I am clear in my conscience…I am innocent of this atrocious charge. I have been made the victim of circumstances”