After the failure of his presidential bid, Frank Lowden announces that he won’t run for re-election as governor of Illinois either. He says governors (and presidents) should only serve a single term.
The Democratic National Convention votes that the DNC will consist of one man and one woman from each state.
And the Resolutions Committee votes down a Wet plank, in secret session. William Jennings Bryan demands to know who Theodore Bell, a former member of Congress who had just given an anti-prohibition speech, “represents.” Bell says the grape growers of California, and who does Mr Bryan represent? “I am here as a Democrat,” the Great Commoner replies; “I am here for the homes of this land and the children of this land, whom your damnable traffic would slay.”
There’s also a loud debate over whether to have a plank supporting the Irish people, with some claiming it’s an internal matter for Britain and that such a declaration would lead inevitably to war with Britain and wouldn’t we resent it if Britain recognized the Philippines’ independence?
There is, in fact, a Filipino delegate, J.P. Melencia, who pleads, “his eyes shining like shoe-buttons, his white teeth gleaming,” for independence.
There’s no smoking allowed in the Convention, and women delegates are supposed to remove their hats “in compliance with state law.”
McAdoo is still the leading candidate, despite supposedly not even being in the race. What say you about that, William G?
The British are using planes to search for Brig. Gen. Cuthbert Henry Tindall Lucas, kidnapped by Sinn Féin two days ago.