Robert Fisk points out the obvious:
The Israelis were yesterday trumpeting the fact that the missile was made in Iran as proof of Iran’s involvement in the Lebanon war. This was odd reasoning. Since almost all the missiles used to kill the civilians of Lebanon over the past four days were made in Seattle, Duluth and Miami in the United States, their use already suggests to millions of Lebanese that America is behind the bombardment of their country.For the latest Fisk, click here (reg./BugMeNot, but at least not behind the Indy’s pointless pay barrier).
And keep reading Billmon, whose recent posts on the Middle East, like this one, have all been good.
George Bush at the G-8 summit, chatting with Tony Blair and with a microphone he didn’t realize was live, explains how really simple it would be to make everything hunky-dory again: “See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it’s over.” Not sure who “they” are or what exactly he finds ironic. (Half the news outlets feel that the big news here is that George said a naughty word.) He also said that he “felt like telling” UN Secretary-General Annan to get on the phone with Syrian President Assad and “make something happen.” And he said of an upcoming session, “I’m not going to talk too damn long, like the rest of them.” Dude, you already have, you already have.
Here he makes a gesture to explain...

why he’s the only one, ahem, unable to stand up. He always gets that way when they seat him next to Koizumi. Something about his hair.

Afghanistan is to revive the Department for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Because virtue is good and vice is bad, right?
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