Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today -100: October 28, 1914: Please advise your government and my family that I died a traitor

Portugal has not entered the European war, although it frequently threatens to do so, but Germany goes ahead and invades its colony Angola anyway.  Probably preemptively, since the British navy is currently sailing Portuguese troops out to reinforce Angola and Moçambique.

NY Gov. Martin Glynn suspends the warden of Sing Sing, Thomas McCormick, for showing favoritism to prisoner David Sullivan, who was president of the Union Bank of Brooklyn until he wiped it out.  The warden made Sullivan his chauffeur, which gave Sullivan the opportunity to meet with his secretary and conduct business in Yonkers.  McCormick explained that he chose Sullivan, rather than any of the qualified chauffeurs who graced Sing Sing’s cells, because “he had the appearance of a gentleman”.  McCormick claims he bought the car with his own funds, expecting to be reimbursed by the state later, but the money actually came from Sullivan.  (I wonder what happens to the car now that McCormick has been suspended, shortly to be fired.)

Italy says it is occupying Avlona, the capital of Albania, but only for sanitary reasons.  Given the civil war or disorder or whatever you want to call the current situation in Albania, it’s getting a little stinky.

Pancho Villa has supposedly thwarted a plot to assassinate him, paid for by Gen. Pablo Gonzales, a supporter of Carranza.  The would-be assassin confessed, in front of a US consular agent: “Mr. Consul, please advise your government and my family that I died a traitor.”  Villa has him executed.

Russia and France are both considering giving soldiers steel breastplates, which they ultimately won’t do, because it’s a stupid idea.

No sooner has one rebellion ended in South Africa then another begins, led by Generals Christiaan De Wet and Christiaan Frederick Beyers.  The latter resigned as commandant-general of the South African army when war was declared on Germany.

Carranza submits his resignation – conditional on Villa and Zapata leaving public life altogether.

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