Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Today -100: February 11, 1915: There is a certain feeling between the races

Another British ship, the Cunard Line’s Orduna, has also been flying an American flag, before the Lusitania did it.

The Wilson administration has sent letters to Britain, asking about this use of false flags, and to Germany, asking how it plans to ascertain which commercial ships with the flags of neutral countries are actually legitimately entitled to those flags before, you know, sinking them.

A Swiss newspaper reports that last September Germany secretly offered peace to France. France would acknowledge the German annexation of Alsace-Lorraine and Belgium in exchange for acquiring Strassburg and a bit of Belgian land north of Calais. The offer was made through former prime minister Joseph Caillaux, who has since, entirely coincidentally, been sent to Brazil.

French senator/mayor of Lyon (and future prime minister) Édouard Herriot proposes proxy marriages for soldiers to, ahem, “regularize their domestic relations.”

Judge Jackson of L.A. makes permanent the injunction allowing the showing of “The Clansman,” and tells the negroes in his courtroom that while he didn’t approve of the movie himself, they should just shut up about it: “There is a certain feeling between the races and there always will be as long as both live in this country,” but the movie won’t affect the position of the colored people either way.

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