Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Today -100: April 25, 1917: The disgrace of a draft

Speaker of the House “Champ” Clark says he doesn’t think conscription will pass. “I am for letting the flower and youth of this country volunteer before we fasten the disgrace of a draft upon them.”

The NYC Mayor’s Recruiting Committee asks the police to protect recruiting posters, which are being torn down and defaced.

Earlier this month Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia’s plane was shot down and he was shot and captured as he tried to get back to his lines. The French are claiming that when he was dying he asked for his wife to be allowed to visit him and the French and British authorities gave permission but Germany refused it – in handwriting Freddy recognized as that of his second cousin Kaiser Wilhelm. He raged, the French say, that the kaiser wouldn’t let the princess leave Germany because she would tell the truth about the hunger and discontent in Germany, even in the Imperial court.

Lenin leads a march on the American Embassy in Petrograd in protest at the death of anarchist Thomas Mooney, who is not in fact dead but in prison for the bombing of a preparedness parade in San Francisco last year, which he did not do.

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