Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Today -100: November 14, 1918: Of premature anschlusses, non-flights, and abdications

The State Council of German Austria says German Austria is now part of Germany. I think some other countries might want to weigh in on that one. There is some question about whether Bavaria will declare itself independent from Germany.

Ex-Kaiser-Now-Herr Wilhelm Hohenzollern says his leaving Germany was not a “flight,” he just wanted to assist the new socialist government by removing the embarrassments his presence would cause. Isn’t that helpful of him?

Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and Prince Leopold IV of Lippe-Detmold abdicate.

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  1. Who's this crazy Eichorn guy who just walked into the Berlin Polizeipräsedium on Alexanderplatz and declared he was in charge?

  2. Presumably he was just the first guy who thought of it. Kept the job for 2 months, though, defying all attempts to fire him.
