The NYT says of the Fascisti Revolution, “All is over except the shouting.” So much shouting.
Mussolini names a Cabinet that’s half Fascist, with Mussolini holding both the interior and foreign affairs portfolios. Only one Cabinet member has ever held office before.
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Actually, he says “One always must speak well of one’s creditor – and we all owe the United States money,” which doesn’t sound much like friendship. He does complain about US immigration restrictions.
Sometime around now, US Ambassador to Italy Richard Child writes to his father: “We are having a fine young revolution... No danger. Plenty of enthusiasm and color. We all enjoy it.”
The NYT editorializes that “What has happened in Italy is certainly revolution, but revolution of the peculiar and relatively harmless Italian type.” Rather less wince-inducing is its comment that “The Fascisti are a self-appointed group of best minds whose title to power... rests on the fact that nobody was willing to fight to keep them out.”
In Spelter City, Oklahoma, 4 masked Klansmen try to abduct the president of anti-Klan organization True Blue Americans, one Tom Bogus. Bogus and a cop get in a shootout with the kluxers, one of whom is killed.
Super-Kinky-Sounding-But-Not-Actually-Super-Kinky Headline of the Day -100: