Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Today -100: October 4, 1922: It’s going to thrill the nation

Rebecca Latimer Felton accepts the appointment to fill Georgia’s US Senate for a day. “It’s going to thrill the nation,” she predicts. Alice Paul of the National Woman’s Party says women throughout the world will be pleased by this recognition of the new position of women. Paul mentions Felton’s work for women but not that it included repeatedly advocating protecting white women by lynching as many “ravening human beasts” as necessary.

The Irish Free State offers an amnesty to rebels who turn in their arms and stand down by October 15th. Until October 15th: party!

The Italian Socialist Party convention, which has been bitterly divided on whether to 1) join the government or 2) have a revolution, devolves into fisticuffs.

The NYT notes Pres. Harding & SecState Charles Evans Hughes are reportedly “dumfounded” by the expectation of many people, especially churchfolk, that the US should intervene in Near Eastern affairs, to protect Christians if nothing else. I mean, don’t they realize that Harding was elected on a platform of isolation?

Henry Ford plans to start making cars in China.

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