Pres. Harding, speaking at the unveiling of a statue of his hero Alexander Hamilton (“It is a most becoming thing to erect”), attacks growing factionalism in the US, such as “the false cry of class” and the Ku Klux Klan. Okay, he bravely fails to specifically name the Klan, but that’s what his reference to groups “challenging civil and religious liberty” is taken to mean.
Greece and Turkey are still arguing over peace terms. Turkey wants reparations from Greece, so Greece is demanding reparations from Turkey.
The British Institute of Patentees issues a list of inventions that would be nice:
Glass that bends
A non-slip road surface
Non-shrinking fannel
Noiseless airplanes
Planes that can be operated by children
Less friction
Easily cleaned pipes (the smoking kind)
Non-alcoholic drinks that aren’t awful
Talking motion pictures
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