Monday, September 16, 2024

Today -100: September 16, 1924: Lock them up! Lock them up!

Sen. Burton Wheeler promises that the La Follette-Wheeler administration will send corrupt Republican officials to prison. He says the “grafting by the Ohio gang and by those thieves who infested Washington during the last four years was the direct result of the system by which presidents are nominated by conventions of corrupt politicians and corrupt business men,” which can only be remedied by direct primary elections.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Today -100: September 15, 1924: Of war criminals, Daimlers, devil’s islands, and straw

For the first time, the French have been able to lay their hands on a German “war criminal,” Peter Lohmann, who as a stretcher-bearer in 1914 supposedly killed a French soldier. He’s from Lorraine, so he’s now French.

There’s some fuss over British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald accepting a gift of an automobile, a Daimler no less, and some stock to pay for its upkeep, from digestive biscuit tycoon Sir Alexander Grant, a childhood friend who MacDonald gave a baronetcy.

France says it is closing Devil’s Island prison, the South American hellhole where Dreyfus was incarcerated. Actually, it won’t be closed until 1953.

Coolidge wins a straw vote conducted by the Yonkers Record. To be fair, if straw could vote, it would definitely vote for Coolidge.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today -100: September 14, 1924: Replaced by the vendetta

John W. Davis attacks Republican tariffs, suggesting the repeated increase on the duty on imported aluminum is down to high officials having US Aluminum Company stock.

The NYT on the retaliatory assassination of Fascist Deputy Armando Casalini: “One of the principal purposes of the Fascist uprising was to substitute patriotic efficiency for a decrepit and discredited parliamentarism. It now remains to be seen whether parliamentarism, in part at least, has not been replaced by the vendetta.”

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Today -100: September 13, 1924: Down with shame!

Armando Casalini, a Fascist deputy, is assassinated on a Rome trolley by three shots from carpenter Giovanni Corvi to avenge the murder of “my brother in idealism” Giacomo Matteotti. The Fascist Party forbids reprisals, at least officially. Corvi will be put in a mental hospital (he probably wasn’t insane but I guess that avoids a public trial), then sent to the gulag on the Tremiti Islands. He was killed by the Germans in 1944.

A plan is being worked out for France to pay off its war debt to the US by oh, say, 1991.

The French Academy bans the use of the English word “cocktail.”

It’s Defense Day all over the US. Parades and mock battles and cosplay. It’s supposed to demonstrate... something.

The NYT advises Coolidge not to take up the many offers to go on a speaking tour, because his oratorical skills suuuuuuck: “His presence is not commanding and his speeches are not moving.”

Headline of the Day -100:  

Little detail about what this is about, but these are “several young athletes of both sexes,” not entirely nude, with ribbons reading “Down with shame!”

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Today -100: September 12, 1924: Klandidates

Klan-backed candidates (indeed, Klan members) win the Colorado Republican primaries for governor (Clarence Morley) and US senator (Rice Means). Both will (Spoiler Alert) win the general election. Morley will be a notably bigoted governor, even by 1920s standards; later he’ll go into 1) the mail fraud business, 2) Leavenworth.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today -100: September 11, 1924: Let them now be obliterated from the sight and thoughts of all wholesome-minded men and women

Justice John Caverly sentences Leopold n’ Loeb to life imprisonment +99 years, sparing them hanging on account of their age and “the progress of criminal law all over the world and... the dictates of enlightened humanity.” So the judge is simply disregarding all the questionable but no doubt expensive psychiatric testimony put up by the defense. Says the NYT: “Let them now be obliterated from the sight and thoughts of all wholesome-minded men and women.” Loeb will be shanked in the prison shower room in 1936. Leopold will be released in 1958 and become a medical technician in Puerto Rico and then teach at the University of Puerto Rico, dying in 1966.

The US lands 100 sailors in Ceiba, Honduras, to protect the consulate. There’s a little rebellion going on.

The Missouri Democratic Party adopts an anti-Klan plank.

The Chilean Congress (Parliament? whatever) gives Pres. Arturo Alessandri a 6-month “leave of absence” as he flees the county for Argentina. Oddly, after one or two more coups, he will actually return in 6 months and resume power.

Texas lawyer Charles Dickson files suit to keep Miriam “Ma” Ferguson’s name off the Texas ballot for governor, arguing that her husband James is the real candidate and he is barred from holding state office again by his impeachment. Dickson also argues that women can’t hold office and the governorship in particular, since the governor is commander-in-chief of the militia and the militia is composed of “able bodied male citizens.”

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Today -100: September 10, 1924: Cut out the Klan

Since the Republicans did so well in the Maine elections after pretending that their being backed by the Ku Klux Klan wasn’t even an issue and that the election was really about backing Coolidge, it is thought that Coolidge, who was delaying making some sort of statement about the Klan until after Maine voted, will now continue to refuse to engage with the Klan issue. The Washington Post takes from the Maine election the lesson that everyone should “cut out the Klan,” that is, stop picking on it.

After a military takeover of the Chilean government, President Arturo Alessandri resigns and hides out in the US Embassy, but the Senate refuses to accept his resignation.

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Monday, September 09, 2024

Today -100: September 9, 1924: Of groundswells

Reacting to the Chinese civil war, the US, Britain, Italy and Japan land forces in Shanghai to defend their nationals.

In the Maine general elections, Republicans win the Senate seat and all 4 House seats, with Ralph Brewster elected governor. The Democratic campaign against him focused on his Klan backing.

The German cabinet discusses whether to officially inform other nations of Chancellor Wilhelm Marx’s repudiation of the war guilt clause of the Versailles Treaty.

Robert La Follette says Progressives are now even with Republicans. Evidently there’s a groundswell.

Coleman Blease will win today’s South Carolina Democratic primary for the US Senate (and – Spoiler Alert) the general election. Blease was this blog’s frenemy back when he was governor (1911-15), so a quick recap of some of the highlights of his record is in order. Blease supported lynching (“where black men commit crimes against white women, and are lynched for it, I declare Constitutions do not apply. For that, there is a higher law than the Constitution”). He opposed black people going to school, and opposed the drinking of Coca-Cola. He revoked the licenses of 3 notary publics who supported the accusation by a railroad ticket agent that he tried to cut in line and got abusive when she refused to let him. He sold pardons but also pardoned thousands for capricious reasons such as “he has the same name as my childhood friend,” almost emptying the state prisons before he left office. He opposed medical inspection of school children and promised to pardon any father who killed a doctor who tried to examine his daughter.

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Today -100: September 8, 1924: Of endorsements, rallies, and, um, bonds

Not surprisingly, Thomas Edison endorses Coolidge.

Responding to Wisconsin Gov. John Blaine’s declaration of war on the Ku Klux Klan, it calls for a rally in Capitol Square on the 23rd. At night in hoods and sheets, natch.

NOT OK, New York Times, NOT OK:  

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Saturday, September 07, 2024

Today -100: September 7, 1924: On remaining American

Coolidge attacks (although not by name) Robert La Follette: “The question is whether America will allow itself to be degraded into a communistic or socialistic state or whether it will remain American.”

The Earl of Cromer, who as Lord Chamberlain is Britain’s theatre censor, licenses George Bernard Shaw’s “problem” play about prostitution, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, after 30 years of lords chancellor refusing to do so. There were private performances in London in 1902, and it played on Broadway in 1905, only to be raided by the police.

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Friday, September 06, 2024

Today -100: September 6, 1924: Of common honesty and temples of peace

John W. Davis tells a Rockford, Illinois audience that he will bring “a government of common honesty.” Which would certainly have been an interesting experiment, having never been tried.

French Prime Minister Édouard Herriot responding to Ramsay MacDonald at the League of Nations, says arbitration is necessary but not sufficient. “Arbitration, security and disarmament are three pillars of the temple of peace you are building here, and if that temple is to rise the foundations must be solid.”

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Thursday, September 05, 2024

Today -100: September 5, 1924: Pacts or no pacts, you will be devastated

At the League of Nations conference on disarmament in Geneva, British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald says military alliances (France’s policy) won’t bring security. Only a system of arbitration will, and without one there won’t be disarmament. Or peace. He wants Germany in the League and the US and who knows maybe even Russia some day. He tells small nations, presumably those allied to France in the Little Entente: “In a military world, pacts or no pacts, you will be invaded; pacts or no pacts, you will be devastated.”

Italy denies that anyone tried to assassinate Mussolini, saying yesterday’s report was a “Bourse maneuver.”

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Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Today -100: September 4, 1924: A corncob pipe in every garage

Someone tries to assassinate Mussolini but hits the car behind his instead. No one is hurt.

They’re really going to report every single thing the Prince of Wales does in America, aren’t they? Anyway, he’s playing polo and shit.

Civil war breaks out in China, as was the custom. Izvhestia blames American capital and Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes.

Vice presidential nominee Charles Bryan adopts as his symbol the corncob pipe because the Democratic team is just that exciting.

The Texas Democratic Convention adopts a platform denouncing the Ku Klux Klan as “undemocratic, un-Christian and un-American,” although the word “treason” is dropped from the draft. It calls for registering the names of the membership of such organizations and for a law against masks.

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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Today -100: September 3, 1924: The only issue

William Pattangall, the Democratic candidate for governor of Maine, says the Ku Klux Klan is the only issue in the Maine campaign. He says Coolidge won’t dare denounce the Klan until after the Maine election – which is next week. Republican candidate Ralph Owen Brewster is very much Klan-backed.

The Texas Democrat Convention is purged of Klan delegates.

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Monday, September 02, 2024

Today -100: September 2, 1924: The Delos Duty sounds like a paperback in a crap series of Robert Ludlum ripoffs

Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes rebuffs a League of Nations request for the US to send a rep to the committee drafting a treaty to control the arms traffic, but it will send reps to any conference to consider the plan.

On Labor Day, Prez. Coolidge tells union leaders in the White House (whose expenses might have been paid by the RNC) that immigration restriction and protective tariffs are the best policies for labor and will “prevent America from producing cheap men.” Republicans are running a little scared of labor defecting to what Coolidge calls the radicalism and paternalism of Robert La Follette.

John Davis, addressing union members in Wheeling, West Virginia, calls for: the anti-child-labor amendment to the US Constitution, abolition of the Railroad Labor Board, and limiting anti-strike injunctions.

A bomb is discovered in Lenin’s tomb. Student groups had visited the tomb, so the Cheka tortures false confessions out of many, many students, as is the custom.

Herrin, Illinois Sheriff George Galligan is arrested by the coroner (I didn’t know they could do that), along with 2 of his deputies, for allegedly starting the gun fight with the Klan that resulted in 6 deaths. There are warrants out, not yet served, on a judge and State’s Attorney Delos Duty. The gloriously and alliteratively named Duty thinks the general in charge of the troops sent into Herrin and the governor himself are secret klansmen. Also every preacher in Williamson County.

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Sunday, September 01, 2024

Today -100: September 1, 1924: Of defectives and princes

Secretary of War John Weeks says half the population is “subnormal” and/or “defective,” which means the US will have to “defend itself with one arm tied behind its back.” He wants children inspected so the next generation is better, but I’m unclear on what he’s suggesting be done.

Headline of the Day -100:  

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