Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Today -100: September 18, 1924: Of caravans, mutinies, and klans

The Coolidge campaign, which by the way includes an alliterative “Coolidge caravan” of speakers, is mostly ignoring John W. Davis and pretending Cal’s only real opponent is Progressive Fightin’ Bob La Follette. I guess there’s not much traction to be gained in attacking Davis, who lacks a, you know, personality, and whose most recent public jobs were solicitor general and ambassador to Britain. Also, there’s some worry that Coolidge might fail to win a majority in the Electoral College, throwing the election into the House where La Follette has friends but Davis might win.

5 black former soldiers serving life sentences for the Camp Logan, Houston “mutiny” of 1917, in which soldiers protested racist violence by the Houston PD, are paroled.

The New Mexico Democratic convention adopts a plank specifically condemning the Ku Klux Klan.

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