Monday, October 21, 2024

Today -100: October 21, 1924: Of headless chickens

German Chancellor Wilhelm Marx having failed to bring Socialists and Nationalists into the government, the Reichstag will be dissolved and new elections held.

In the 3 years since the Volstead Act was passed, there have been 177,000 arrests just at the federal level, with prison sentences adding up to 7,000 years.

W.E.B. DuBois of the NAACP calls on blacks to vote for Robert La Follette and drop the Republicans.

Bobby Franks’s father Jacob establishes a trust fund to continue the fight against any effort to release Leopold n’ Loeb from prison, even after his own death (which will be in 1928).

Éamon de Valera has said he’ll go to Northern Ireland to campaign for republican candidates in the UK general election. NI says he’ll be arrested if he tries it.

Headline of the Day -100:  

That’s Henry MacCracken, president of Vassar.

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