Thursday, January 16, 2025

Today -100: January 16, 1925: No more disturbed than any other country

Tammany Hall leader Big Tom Foley, described as Gov. Al Smith’s “political godfather,” dies at 73.

Pres. Coolidge is considering moving Herbert Hoover from Commerce to Agriculture, which seems to me like a demotion.

Headline of the Day -100:  

Wyoming Gov. Nellie Taylor Ross does the unthinkable.

Headline of the Day -100:  

NYPD Police Commissioner Richard Enright calls for everyone to be required to carry a police i.d. including their photograph and fingerprints. “While the Commissioner did not specify women, he was understood to have included them.” He’s just been on a tour of South America and this is the system in Buenos Aires. He also wants to register aliens, which he says would help solve the sporadic Tong wars in Chinatown which so baffle the police. And the feds should ban the sale of pistols. (An editorial tomorrow -100 wonders how long the i.d. photo would be kept: “The unfortunate man who loses his hair at 30 will be in danger of immediate arrest.”)

Poland and the Free State of Danzig may go to war over, um, mail boxes. Poland exceeded its treaty rights in the city by placing mail boxes, which it says it had a right to do and Danzig says it didn’t. Some Danzigers repainted the boxes in the old German imperial colors, and that’s when Poland started threatening war. The League of Nations Commissioner Mervyn MacDonnell is siding with city authorities over the whole, um, mail box deal.

A resolution in the Italian Parliament saying that it is impossible to hold a general election as long as the government suppresses newspapers and individual liberty is supported by former primes minister Giovanni Giolitti, Antonio Salandra and Vittorio Orlando.

Mussolini says “Italy is no more disturbed than any other country.”

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