The French National Assembly discusses religious matters in the traditional manner, with two hours of screaming matches and fistfights, which start after Prime Minister Édouard Herriot refers to “the Christianity of bankers,” which is a reference to a cardinal’s manifesto aimed at bankers and capitalists. He says the cardinals are trying to destroy the republic and inciting open rebellion, which is funny cuz it’s true.
I’m not following NY Gov. Al Smith’s fight with his Republican Legislature closely enough to understand why the R’s are fighting his attempt to cut income tax 25%.
Erich Ludendorff is running for German president under the imprimatur of the German Völkisch Freedom Party (that’s 2 words in German, because of course it is), which has so few deputies that it’s not entitled to its own seat in the Reichstag restaurant. The NYT says he can’t win but could take enough votes away from fellow rightie Karl Jarres (Deutsche Volkspartei) to make him lose. It also says “Ludendorff’s political career has been stormy,” which is one way to describe narrowly escaping prison after participating in a putsch.
Playwright George Bernard Shaw says of radio, “If I could see and hear a play from my fireside, I would never enter a theatre again.”
A black man is lynched in Waverly, Virginia.
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