Monday, March 31, 2025

Today -100: March 31, 1925: More difficult to manage

Ringling Brothers Barnum Bailey Circus will drop all wild animal acts (unless you count elephants, horses and such). They’ll continue to be displayed in the menagerie, but not perform or be walked across the street. Jack Ringling admits that people think the bears and giant cats are trained by cruel methods and name-calling (one of the black jaguars is called Nigger because of course it is), and that parents are afraid their children will see animal trainers eaten or whatever. Mabel Stark has transferred from performing with the 14 Bengal tigers to the equestrian side of things: “‘I find the horses more difficult to manage than the tigers,’ said Miss Stark, a trifle wistfully for one who has been clawed as often as she”.

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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Today -100: March 30, 1925: Heh heh, 4 votes

Karl Jarres of the nationalist Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP) wins more than 10 million votes in the German presidential election (38%), but not a majority, so there will be a run-off in 4 weeks. Otto Braun (Social Democrat) comes in second with 7.8 million. Erich Ludendorff gets a little over 1%, so all that fuss about him being a spoiler was a waste of everyone’s time. In Coburg, and only there, ex-kaiser Wilhelm was on the ballot. He gets 4 votes. This is the first ever presidential election in Germany, by the way.

The Japanese Diet passes the suffrage bill, extending the franchise to about 14 million from 3 million, but only for men over 30 who are not dependent on charity.

Labour MPs in Britain oppose Vincent Lopez’s band being allowed into the country to perform when there are perfectly good British jazz musicians without jobs.

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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Today -100: March 29, 1925: Of socialism, inferior babies, and words

The Socialist Party intends to contest the next NYC elections on a platform of 5¢ transit fare.

The international birth control conference being held in NYC is going seriously off the rails. Neuropathologist Max Schlapp says women who “go about getting themselves excited and overwrought in an emotional way” are producing inferior babies. Clarence Little, president of the University of Maine, compares the different races to soda flavors – strawberry, pineapple, chocolate, etc – and says mixing them together is just icky. Eugenic laws should guide races to blend desired racial characteristics (Little will spend the 1950s and ‘60s shilling for the tobacco industry, denying that smoking causes cancer or any other disease). The delegates pass a resolution calling on eugenic societies to recognize birth control as an essential part of eugenics.

The Oxford English Dictionary is adding phrases from the Great War, such as “strafe,” “dud,” “getting the wind up.” Strafe is defined here as “to punish,” used by British and American military prisoners for short sentences for disobedience. It derives from the German catchphrase “Gott strafe England,” meaning “May God punish England.” The later usage for planes machine-gunning ground positions is a World War II one.

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Friday, March 28, 2025

Today -100: March 28, 1925: Of ear fatigue and grade crossings

Sen. Burton Wheeler is indicted in D.C. on the charge, trumped up in retaliation for his work investigating Teapot Dome, of conspiring to use dummies to get prospecting permits on federal oil & gas lands in Montana beyond the number that individuals are allowed. A Senate committee already exonerated Wheeler on this; the grand jury only had the evidence the committee saw. It’s all a bit weird. The grand jury stopped sitting for 4 weeks, so Wheeler assumed the thing had been abandoned.

Psychologists at Princeton determine that radio produces “ear fatigue.”

NY Gov. Alfred E. Smith wins his 25% tax cut, but the Legislature refuses to increase the length of the gubernatorial term to 4 years from 2, restore direct primaries, restrict factory employment for women to 48 hours, or hold a referendum on the federal child labor constitutional amendment. There will be a referendum in November for a bond issue to eliminate grade crossings.

German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann makes clear that while Germany’s proposed security treaty with France, Britain and Belgium would confirm Germany’s western borders, it would not apply to its eastern borders, because fuck Poland anyway.

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Today -100: March 27, 1925: I’m sure it was a terrible smile

Mussolini’s return to public life after weeks of illness they’re claiming was ulcers and who knows, maybe it was, is celebrated in the Parliament with a fistfight between Fascist and Communist deputies, as was the custom. The Duck smiles as he watches, and The Duck never smiles.

Simplicio and Lucio Godino, Filipino Siamese twins, have learned to drive and seem to enjoy immunity to drive in excess of the Manila speed limit because the cops would have to arrest the innocent one along with the guilty one. The conjoined twins will later marry identical twins.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Today -100: March 26, 1925: Come and take us

The Delaware Legislature votes 31 to 1 to retain the whipping post as a punishment.

The German right wing, pissed at Ludendorff continuing to run for president against their preferred candidate Karl Jarres, are rolling out his former colleague Hindenburg (who is not yet running) to endorse Jarres. Hitler’s newspaper in Bavaria claims industrialists backing Jarres offered the Hitlerites a bribe to endorse him rather than Ludendorff.

2 Wisconsin state senators, Bernhard Gettelman & James Barker (both R’s), support changing the state law to allow home brew and light wines for consumption at home, and in fact are both in violation of that law. “We make wine in our home and don’t care who knows it,” says Gettleman. “Here is my home address. Come and take us.”

The 6th international birth control conference opens in New York. Margaret Sanger apologizes that some of the delegates had difficulties with Immigration; she notes that US immigration quotas show the “crude method” used to deal with over-population. She suggests that the government should pay unfit parents not to reproduce. The current ban on birth control encourages, “with breakneck rapidity, of idiots, defectives, diseased, feeble-minded and criminal classes. The American public is heavily taxed to maintain an increasing race of morons which threatens the very foundation of our civilization.”

Oh good, she’s opened a new clinic specifically for black New Yorkers.

The Agriculture Dept studies how to eliminate garlic breath and determines that this can be accomplished by refraining from eating garlic.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Today -100: March 25, 1925: Of friendly boers, beer halls, normal activities, alsatians, and pay rises

Lord Balfour, of Balfour Declaration fame, will visit Jerusalem and boy are the Arabs pissed. Students are going on strike and shops will be closed.

The Prince of Wales will visit South Africa, and is assured of a friendly visit from the Boers.

Erich Ludendorff refuses demands that he quit the German presidential race so as not to split the lunatic-right vote. Saturday he’ll have a rally in a Munich beer hall. Yes, that beer hall.

Éamon de Valera is elected to the Ulster Parliament for County Down, unopposed. He is however banned by decree from Northern Ireland, which you’d think being an elected (sort of) official would over-ride, but no.

Charles Hueber, a Communist deputy from Alsace, address the French National Assembly in Alsatian German (his French isn’t great) during a debate on Alsace-Lorraine administration, specifically whether the recovered provinces should be be fully integrated into the French state or have some sort of special status. Some deputies get annoyed that they can’t understand him, others ask to speak in Breton or Provençal.

A Soviet Union court invalidates the Sinclair Oil oil concession on Sakhalin Island, which is in theory divided between Russia and Japan but all of it is de facto occupied by the Japanese. The court says that isn’t an insurmountable obstacle and Sinclair should have begun work by the start of the year regardless. The reason Russia signed the deal with Sinclair was to induce the US government to support Sinclair’s little venture and by extension Russian control of its bit of Sakhalin. This did not happen because the Harding administration’s corrupt links to Sinclair either didn’t extend to the State Dept or didn’t override the US refusal to recognize the Soviet Union (the entity with which Sinclair had that contract), or its unwillingness to risk friction with Japan. By the end of the decade, Japan will be meeting its oil requirements from Sakhalin alone.

The House of Representatives recently raised its own pay by one-third to $10,000. Some pretended to object during the debate, but all but 8 are accepting the raise. The identify of the 8 is as yet unknown, except for Henry St George Tucker III (D-Virginia), whose grandfather, Rep. H St G T Senior, also refused a raise more than a century ago.

Headline of the Day -100:

One shudders to imagine what those might be.

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Monday, March 24, 2025

Today -100: March 24, 1925: So-called science

The Tennessee Legislature passes the Butler Act: “it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the Story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals.” Gov. Austin Peay (D) signs the bill, calling it “a distinct protest against an irreligious tendency to exalt so-called science and deny the Bible in some schools and quarters – a tendency fundamentally wrong and fatally mischievous in its effects on our children, our institutions and country.” Anyways, he says, the Bible disproves the theory of evolution.

NYPD Commissioner Richard Enright issues secret orders to every beat cop and detective to “Arrest all known thieves and criminals and have them brought to the line-up at 9 o’clock March 24.” It’s unclear what will be accomplished by arresting people who would be serving prison terms if there had been actual evidence against them. They may just want new mug shots. Cops are stopping musicians on the streets to check that their musical instrument cases don’t contain burglary tools.

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Today -100: March 23, 1925: Of capitals

The Great Powers are keeping their Turkish ambassadors in Constantinople. Turkey insists they move to Ankara, which has been the capital for a year and a half.

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