Thursday, September 15, 2005

Why does Abdul Shandal hate Iraq?

William Saletan explains how John Roberts affirmed a right to privacy in a way that stripped it of any actual meaning.

The Iraqi justice minister, Abdul Hussein Shandal, has been complaining that the US military keeps arresting people and detaining them without any warrant from an Iraqi judge. Isn’t it cute when the natives pretend they’re in charge? He’s also bitching about the extraterritoriality (immunity from Iraqi laws) (defined by the distinguished jurist Stephen Sondheim in these terms:
...your laws
Do not apply
When we drop by;
Not getting shot,
No matter what:
A minor scrape,
A major rape,
And we escape.
That’s what is extraterritoriality.)
that the UN granted to American military forces (and Bremer extended to the various imported mercenaries, security guards, soldiers of fortune etc). He’s also been talking about removing the latters’ right to carry firearms without a license, so he’s obviously some sort of communist. And he criticized the US for arresting journalists. Oh yeah, definitely a pinko.

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