Tabloid-Type Headline of the Day That’s Actually in the New York Times -100: “Saw Death Train Riddle Coal Camp.” Testimony at the Senate hearing on the West Virginia strikes: in February, mineowners used an armored car with a mounted Gatling gun to attack a tent camp of striking miners and their families. After the first salvo, mineowner Quinn Morton reportedly ordered that the train be backed up for another round. The miners called the train the Death Special, owners called it the Bull Moose train.
The Congo Reform Association in London closes its doors, because evidently the Belgian Congo is now reformed and is no longer quite so Heart of Darknessy.
The Women’s Social and Political Union hold a funeral procession for Emily Wilding Davison. Emmeline Pankhurst, out of prison on license under the Cat and Mouse Act, is arrested as she attempts to leave her sickbed to attend, and is dragged back to prison. The choice of the Metropolitan Police to use mounted police to keep the procession from reaching Piccadilly Circus is perhaps a little lacking in taste.

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