Sunday, March 15, 2015

Today -100: March 15, 1915: In fighting for the Empire Irishmen are fighting for Ireland

Irish Nationalist leader John Redmond brags about how many Irishmen have joined the British Army. “Ireland,” he says, “has been admitted to her proper place in the British Empire.” Cannon fodder.

West Virginia Gov. Henry Hatfield arrests two men on a train who he says took a book he left in the dining car. He also roughs them up a bit. Hatfields take their little grudges very seriously.

The London County Council rejects requests that it change the names of Wiesbaden Road, Hanover Square etc to something less Teutonic-sounding. However, “Bismarck herring” is now sold as “filleted herring” in London delis.

Turkey moves its capital to Eski Shehr (Eskişehir), in case Constantinople falls. Eski Shehr, the NYT informs us, is famous for its meerschaum pipes.

Germany slaps another fine on Lille after deciding that a public meeting protesting German persecution was a pretext for organizing a massacre.

Jane Addams will lead an American delegation to a peace conference at the Hague in April.

Germany is trying to buy Italy off with Austrian territory, but the ancient emperor Franz Josef refuses. The police and other municipal employees of Trieste are being made to take an oath that if it is occupied by Italy they will quit their jobs and leave the city.

Former Greek prime minister Venizelos, fired by the king for favoring war, says if Greece joins the war quickly, it can quadruple the country’s size. Quadruple it!

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