Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Today -100: February 19, 1919: Nor does she represent anything but agitation

The NY Legislature confirms Frances Perkins as a state industrial commissioner. Sen. George Thompson (R), leading the opposition, says Perkins “does not represent women, nor does she represent anything but agitation” and complains that she didn’t take her husband’s last name.

The Costa Rican army is evidently preparing to invade Nicaragua. The US blames German propaganda for stirring up trouble, because of course it does.

At least 75 German (mostly Prussian) army officers have applied for commissions in the US Army. The army tells them, Dudes, we’re technically still at war.

The armistice, however, is renewed, this time for an indefinite period, but with the Allies giving themselves the right to abrogate it on just 3 days’ notice. The Germans aren’t happy about Gen. Foch being allowed to interpret armistice terms any way he chooses or the provision that German troops should stop attacking Poles. The German cabinet strongly considered not signing the armistice and just seeing what happened.

Sweden tells former head of the German Army Erich Ludendorff, who’s been living there in exile since the Revolution, to leave.

The US Army occupies Luxembourg City to prevent a revolution in what the NYT calls “this little toy nation.”

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