Monday, December 16, 2019

Today -100: December 16, 1919: Of treaties, prohibition, lynchings, and hangings

Democratic senators who were working on a compromise on the peace treaty are unsure what to do after Pres. Wilson (or whoever’s) hard-line statement yesterday.

The Supreme Court unanimously upholds the wartime prohibition act, saying Congress didn’t intend prohibition to end when the war actually ended but when demobilization ended.

A mob in West Virginia lynch two black men. The sheriff and his deputies in Logan County at first hold off the mob, then put the prisoners on a train to get them to safety. The mob pulls them off the train, shoots them, and dumps their bodies in the Guyandotte River.

The Austrian state of Tyrol threatens that if the Entente doesn’t assure its food supply, it will immediately form a customs, currency and provisioning union with Germany.

Adm. Kolchak, whose White army is not doing well, threatens that if the Allies do not supply him, he will cede part of Siberia to Japan to keep it from falling into Bolshevik hands.

Headline That Kinda Sounds Like a Pun or Something of the Day-100:

Sentenced for crimes (unspecified in the article) during the Bela Kun regime.

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