Friday, March 20, 2020

Today -100: March 20, 1920: Has President Wilson changed his mind, or has his mind changed him?

The Senate again fails to ratify the Peace Treaty, 49 voting in favor, 35 against. It then adopts a resolution to return the treaty to the president, meaning there can be no more consideration of the treaty in the Senate. At one point in the debate, Irvine Lenroot (R-Wisconsin) complains that Pres. Wilson used to say that Article XI was the heart of the League of Nations Covenant but more recently has been assigning that role to Article X: “The president’s illness has affected either the president’s recollection or his judgment. Has President Wilson changed his mind, or has his mind changed him?” Wow.

So the US is still technically at war with Germany.

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Tomás Mac Curtain/Thomas MacGurin, a Sinn Feiner veteran of the 1916 Easter Rising, is assassinated, shot dead in his home in front of his family by masked men. Cops, they’re cops.

The Kapp putschists, especially its Baltic soldier supporters, were responsible for anti-Semitic leaflets and speeches.

Headline of the Day -100: 

The federal prohibition commissioner for Mississippi accuses state legislators there of “openly and brazenly” purchasing liquor and asks them to stop it please. Last week the Legislature rejected a bill to fund prohibition enforcement.

Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, a Vanderbilt, sues her husband, the Duke of Marlborough (Winston Churchill’s cousin) for restitution of conjugal rights. She is trying to establish desertion as cause for divorce, which she will in fact get next year, ending one of the crappiest of those rich-American-impecunious-British-aristo marriages.

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