Friday, March 24, 2023

Today -100: March 24, 1923: Will that dangerous man ever be arrested?

Prussia bans the (deep breath...) Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei (Freedom Party), saying they were planning for a putsch on the 31st and the assassinations of various officials. And as during the Kapp Putsch, “the sinister figure of [Gen. Erich] Ludendorff was again in the background, traveling from one headquarters of the conspiracy to another, encouraging the revolt by letter and in speeches, but always in language that allowed several interpretations.” As Prussian Interior Minister Carl Severing reports all this to the Prussian Diet, someone is heard asking, “Will that dangerous man ever be arrested?” No spoilers.

Anti-Semitic students in Budapest and elsewhere in Hungary have been attacking newspapers considered pro-Jewish. So the government bars Jewish students from high schools & universities.

In the French National Assembly, Communist deputies accuse PM Raymond Poincaré of forming his Ruhr policy out of fear that the royalists will expose... something... about his private life. Hilarity ensues. Poincaré denies that there are “abominable dossiers” against him and his family. Abominable dossiers are, of course, the worst kind of dossiers.

During a House of Commons debate on an animal cruelty bill, Pat Collins (Lib-Walsall) says many of those speaking know nothing about the subject, while he owns 20 or 30 lions (his company runs fairgrounds).

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