Friday, March 03, 2023

Today -100: March 3, 1923: Of fines, swallows, customs, and negris

France fines the Ruhr town of Kettwig 1 million marks, which is the equivalent of some money, after a telephone wire is cut, under the policy of fining communities if they can’t find the person(s) responsible. They plan to collect this fine house-to-house.

Name of the Day -100:  The former police chief of Topeka, held in contempt for refusing to testify in a lawsuit involving the Klan: Guy Swallow.

The Irish Free State wants a customs barrier with Northern Ireland, which is not best pleased with the idea.

Giacinto Menotti Serrati, the editor of the Socialist Avanti! who took over in 1914 after Mussolini was thrown out of the job, is arrested for plotting against the safety of the state by attending the Communist Internationale. (He and others of his staff will be released tomorrow).

The Norwegian government resigns after the Storthing rejects a commercial treaty with Portugal, possibly because it would allow Portuguese wine into dry Norway, though only for medicinal purposes.

The sheriff of Putnam County, Florida, fights off a lynch mob.

Charlie Chaplin and Pola Negri are engaged again. Sure, whatever.

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