Thursday, June 08, 2023

Today -100: June 8, 1923: Unacceptable in Belgium

Germany makes a new offer on reparations, which France and Belgium will certainly reject because it does not come with a command to end passive resistance in the Ruhr. Germany pledges income from railroads, the alcohol and tobacco monopolies, and pinky-swears to fund reparations of 1.2 trillion gold marks per year, which is the equivalent of some money and 365 days respectively. It wants an international commission to determine its ability to pay.

The German proposal is “held unacceptable in Belgium.”  I’m not sure why I find the phrase “unacceptable in Belgium” so amusing, but I do.

NYC Mayor John Hylan promises that the NYPD will cooperate with the federal prohibition authorities, although he does suggest that they do something about closing the Canadian border to smuggling.

At the Lausanne Conference, Turkey refuses to allow 250,000 Armenians who fled Constantinople last year during the Greco-Turko war to return.

The Kansas State Censor Board gives permission for The Birth of a Nation to be shown. Opposition from previous governors has hitherto prevented the 1915 film being screened in the state.

Russian serial killer Vasili Komaroff is ordered executed, along with his wife, who may or may not have been involved. Komaroff says “Well, it’s my turn to be put in the sack now” (like he did with his victims). The NYT’s correspondent says his “callousness is that of the typical Asiatic.”

Gov. Thomas McLeod calls on South Carolinahoovians to pray for relief from the boll weevil, which was sent by God as a punishment for our sins.

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