Thursday, October 24, 2024

Today -100: October 24, 1924: Wherein is revealed what American standard of living cannot be maintained without

Pres. Coolidge gives an address “coast to coast” carried by 23 radio stations. He strongly opposes free trade: “American industry cannot exist, American wages cannot be paid, American standard of living cannot be maintained without a protective tariff.” He has nothing good to say about government spending, arguing that it needs to be slashed and taxes cut, especially for the rich: he claims that more tax can be collected from the rich at a moderate tax rate than at a high one. “I will call an agricultural conference” is where I personally checked out of reading this soporific speech.

The NYT tut tuts the rowdyism at British election meetings.

Tory leader Stanley Baldwin calls on women voters to “give themselves heart and soul to a policy of encouraging mutual trade within the empire by means of imperial preference.”

Italy: Gen. Emilio De Bono resigns as head of the Blackshirt militia. He has been accused, rightly, of using his day job as chief of police to cover up the Giacomo Matteotti assassination. Mussolini accepts what he calls De Bono’s “spontaneous” resignation and says he’ll appoint him governor of Somaliland (he won’t, but after De Bono is acquitted in a trial for the Matteotti thing, he’ll be made governor of Libya, which will not go well for Libyans).

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