Pres. Coolidge appoints the secretaries of war, the navy, interior, and commerce to a new oil conservation board. He cites the need to make sure there’s oil available for airplanes for the next war, cuz it’s not like you can run them on coal.
German serial killer (or as the NYT calls him, “wholesale murderer,” the term serial killer not being coined until the ‘60s) Fritz Harmaan is convicted in a Hanover court of 24 of the 27 murders for which he was charged. He’s sentenced to death, as is his accomplice Hans Grans. Haarman says he accepts the verdict, despite being innocent of some of the murders. Before sentencing, Haarman asked not to be sent to an insane asylum: “I go to the decapitating block joyfully and happily.”
Headline of the Day -100:
Speaking of fowl pests, Adolf Hitler is released from prison waaaay early. Disgracefully early. Five prisoners on the Bavarian left are also pardoned, just to pretend to balance things out. Only 2 of them are named in the article: Felix Fechenbach (murdered by Nazis in 1933) and Erich Mühsam (murdered by Nazis in 1934).
Spain will allow descendants of the Sephardi Jews expelled in 1492 to become citizens after two years’ residence.
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