Saturday, December 28, 2024

Today -100: December 28, 1924: Of morally disarming, contracts, and horses

Britain, France, Japan, Italy and Belgium agree not to end the occupation of Cologne because Germany has been a very naughty boy and tried to secretly manufacture rifles and machine guns. The London Sunday Times and the Observer accuse Germany of failing to “morally disarm.”

Texas Governor-Elect Miriam Ferguson petitions the district court to remove the legal disability on her as a married woman to make contracts so she can sign contracts as governor without facing legal challenges.

From July, it will be illegal to drive a horse in downtown Los Angeles. Jaywalking will also be banned and pedestrians must raise an arm to indicate their intention to cross the road.

Austrian Socialists and the right-wing Catholic Christian Social Party both urge their followers to join the army, in a struggle for dominance of the army. The Socialists want to determine whether the army will resist monarchist or Communist putsches or put down strikes.

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