On the principle that he’s a thuggish authoritarian bully but at least he doesn’t have a vagina, France elects Sarkozy president, and we’ll just have to see how badly that turns out. The exact powers of the president are not well defined, and they’ll be a lot less if the legislative elections result in a PS prime minister. Sarkozy says, “I love France. I love France, just as one loves someone who is very close to one.”
But exactly how do French people love someone who is very close to one? According to Willard Mitt Romney, who was a Mormon missionary in France in the ‘60s and does not approve of the way in which French people love someone who is very close to one, “In France, for instance, I’m told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up.” And it must be true, he read it in Ignorant Stereotypes Magazine.
Right after church this morning, Bush talked about the tornado that hit Greensburg, Kansas. “To the extent that we can help, we will,” he said. “The most important thing now, though, is for our citizens to ask for the good Lord to comfort those who hurt.” Really, the most important thing? I guess it’s easier than, I don’t know, finding them food and shelter and medical care.

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