This morning, Bush met with his Cabinet, then made them stand behind him in the Rose Garden while he blathered.
He and the Cabinet, he reported, “discussed the priorities that we’re working on to meet for the needs of the American people”. Always nice to hear that they’re working to meet for our needs.

One of those needs: baseball. He wants to put “the steroid era of baseball behind us”. Which just sounds kinky. Unlike this: “And I just urge our -- those in the public spotlight, particularly athletes, to understand that when they violate their bodies, they’re sending a terrible signal to America’s young.”

Earlier this week, Bush sent a letter to Kim Jong-Il, who sent a letter in response, which Bush evidently does not plan to
He cut it short after two questions, saying “I’ve got freezing Cabinet members out here”. Insert Condi joke here.
In the afternoon, he met with President Alan Garcia of Peru to sign a trade treaty. “I thank those from the -- who care about trade, who’ve joined us today.”

What will the free trade treaty bring Peruvians? “Peruvians will benefit from more choices and more lower prices -- or better prices.”
What do the Peruvian people understand? “The Peruvian people understand that expanding trade with the United States will improve their lives; that’s what they understand.”
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