Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today -100: September 15, 1911: Of divine movies, Hallmark moments, assassinations, volcanoes, and sandwichettes

Sarah Bernhardt is making a movie!

Headline of the Day -100: “MEETS LOST SON IN JAIL.; Father, Parted for 20 Years, Finds Him Arrested for Burning Negro.”

Russian Prime Minister Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin is shot twice at the Kiev Opera House (Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tale of Tsar Saltan). Tsar Nicholas and two of his daughters were also present. After being shot, Stolypin shouted “I am happy to die for the tsar!” And he did. Or will, in 4 days. The NYT helpfully explains that hangman’s nooses are called “Stolypin’s neckties” in Russia, thanks to his “reforms” of the legal system, facilitating 3,000 executions during his 5-year premiership. (Vladimir Putin, naturally, admires Stolypin for his “unbending will.”)

The Chinese 1911 Revolution is, um, a thing.

Mount Etna has erupted.

Suffragists are wearing sandwich boards along Broadway in NYC to advertise a suffrage meeting, the first time they have been employed by American suffragists, copying their more advanced (and less timid) British sisters. “Sandwichettes,” the NYT, perhaps inevitably, calls them.

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