Saturday, June 01, 2024

Today -100: June 1, 1924: I have a hanging case

Leopold n’ Loeb confess to kidnapping and killing Bobby Franks. “I have a hanging case,” State’s Attorney Robert Crowe crows. The two self-described geniuses forgot to coordinate their alibis.

We’re already hearing crap psychological theories about how it was their very precocity that lead to “mental and moral perversion.”

A fire kills 22 girl inmate at the Hope Development School for Subnormal Girls in Playa del Rey, California.

“Perversion,” “subnormal.” They weren’t exactly Politically Correct in 1924, were they? (Update: it was actually called the Hope Development School for Deficient Girls. And all its doors were locked.)

In the Italian Parliament, a speech by Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti attacking the legitimacy of the recent parliamentary elections, which were conducted in an atmosphere of violent Fascist intimidation, sets off a free-for-all. Franceso Giunta (Fascist) calls Socialist deputies “that gang,” which is evidently more insulting in Italian than it sounds in English.  Opposition deputy Gen. Roberto Bencivenga, “shouting incoherent threats,” is attacked by a bunch of Fascists, as was the custom. Later Bencivenga challenges Giunta to a duel.

Japan protests the anti-Japanese provisions of the new US Immigration Act as violating the 1911 treaty.

Irving Berlin has composed an election song for Alfred E. Smith, called “We’ll All Go Voting for Al.” I can’t find a recording of it online, but that’s not a very promising start, is it? The first lines are “The bands will all be playing / As we go ‘Hip Hooraying,’” and it just goes on like that. Don’t give up your day job, Irving. Oh that is your day job, you say?

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1 comment:

  1. You inspired me to watch a PBS documentary on Al Smith from 1999. They don't mention his 1924 campaign, but focus mainly on the 1928 campaign, and then the Empire State Building. Fascinating man. Turns out he was a big deal!
