Monday, June 10, 2024

Today -100: June 10, 1924: Of veeps, elrods, and the Chicago Way

Fightin’ Bob La Follette begins his campaign to pick a fight in the Republican Convention justifying a walkout. The Wisconsin delegation demands that Harry Daugherty & Albert Fall be condemned, expelled from the party, and banned from holding any position under a Republican administration. Daugherty, by the way, will be one of the Ohio delegates.

Sen. William Borah of Idaho says he’s not a candidate for VP, but neglects to say whether he’d accept the nomination if he was drafted. It’s widely believed he is Coolidge’s preferred choice, were Cal not remaining Silent on the subject.

60 members of the Indiana Ku Klux Klan open a headquarters in Cleveland to fight a possible anti-Klan plank in the Republican platform. There is some dispute over whether the national Klan is endorsing Indiana Sen. James Watson for veep, as is claimed by former Klan publicity agent Milton Elrod, which is a very Ku-Klux-Klan-publicity-agent kind of name. Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans denies the existence of any endorsement.

Before the cops alighted on Leopold n’ Loeb, they arrested two teachers at Bobby Franks’s school they suspected of having killed him. One of the teachers says he was beaten with rubber hoses and put in a cell with a black man who then claimed he confessed, as was the Chicago custom.

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