It is hot in Madison Square Garden as the Democratic National Convention opens. Sen. Pat Harrison of Mississippi’s keynote speech makes note of Republican corruption: “Show this Administration an oil well, and it will show you a foreign policy.” He says they’re more interested in oil fields in Mosul than protecting Christians in Turkey. “What America now needs is not a Sphinx, but a Paul Revere to awaken it.”
After Harrison finishes his speech, predicting Democratic victory, the band strikes up “It’s a Long, Long Trail.” They don’t know the half of it.
In other convention news,
President Bartolomé Martínez of Nicaragua asks the US what its reaction would be if he violates the constitution by being re-elected. The US says in that case it wouldn’t recognize him. Here’s the thing: Martínez wouldn’t be “re-elected,” since he succeeded a president who died last October to serve the remainder of his term ending in Jan. ‘25.
"Oil," the Senator thundered, "oil is the open sesame of power. Oil is the magic word that gains admission to the robbers; cave and participation in the plunder."