Giuliani addressed a group of Republican women in California, saying, “What you see in their eyes is Jimmy Carter and what you see in my eyes is Ronald Reagan.” I’d see an ophthalmologist about that right away.
Today marked the changing of the guard at the Pentagon, with the alliterative Peter Pace retiring as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replaced by the alliterative Mike Mullen.

Bush talked about the parents of both men, whilst humorously pointing out that his own mother is a bitch. Pace’s mother, Bush reported, “said the General has been good at everything he’s ever done. Some of you may think mothers are required to say only admiring things about their sons. Well, take it from me, it’s not always the case. (Laughter.)” Uncomfortable laughter, no doubt.
Mullen’s parents, Bush pointed out, worked in Hollywood, but somehow Mullen is “humble, well-grounded, and filled with common sense. (Laughter.) Not exactly what one thinks about when they think of Hollywood values. (Laughter.)” Humble, well-grounded, common-sensical laughter, no doubt.
If asked, by the way, Bush will no doubt tell you that he himself is humble, well-grounded, and filled with common sense.
Scary, isn’t it?

Mullen’s qualifications for his new job, like Rudy Giuliani’s for the presidency, are based on where he happened to be on 9/11: “Admiral Mike Mullen understands what’s at stake in the war on terror. He was on duty at the Pentagon when Flight 77 made its doomed plunge. He felt the plane slam into the building.”

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