Thursday, January 01, 2015

Today -100: January 1, 1915: Of literacy tests, and what Arkansas needs

Karl Liebknecht, German Social Democratic Party member of the Reichstag, sends a New Year’s message to British Socialists calling on the workers of the world to unite in a war against war.

The US Senate votes 47 to 12 to keep the literacy test in the immigration bill. An amendment to exempt religious refugees (i.e., Russian Jews) from the requirement is defeated. The Senate also votes 29 to 25 to exclude people of the “black or African race” from the country (which was introduced as a poison pill to prevent northern Republicans voting for the final bill), but votes 10-43 not to exclude Turks and East Indians.  Polygamists are excluded by a vote of 45-3.  If you’re wondering which non-Utah senator voted against that, it was William Hughes (D-NJ).  Smoot of Utah pleads for his co-religionists; he says if asked whether they believe in polygamy, they would have to say yes even if they abstain from the practice.

South Africa will introduce conscription, using the very slight threat that Salomon Maritz, whose rebellion was crushed and who fled to German Southwest Africa (now Namibia), will invade South Africa backed by German troops as an excuse to invade and annex the German colony.

Headline of the Day -100:  “Arkansas Needs $10.”  The state is broke.  Gov. Hays, who can’t afford the cost of printing his biennial message to the Legislature, is asking newspapers for $2.50 each towards the cost.

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