The British government has set up a website where members of the public can nominate and vote on the Icons of England: Stonehenge, Punch & Judy shows, a nice cup of tea, Benny Hill in drag, John Cleese in drag, Winston Churchill in drag, double-decker buses, the Amritsar massacre, an Eton schoolboy being buggered, a Beefeater being buggered, Oscar Wilde being buggered, Winston Churchill being buggered, a stockbroker in a bowler hat with a rolled-up umbrella being buggered, Dr. Who being buggered, Mr. Bean being buggered, Pitt the Younger being buggered, Big Ben, the humble bobby being buggered, queues, Winston Churchill in a queue, queues for being buggered, those red phone boxes, the Queen Mum’s gin bottle, Prince Charles’s ears, that sort of thing. (Update: I’ve gone through more of the site. They actually do list men in drag.)
After hearing that an Iraqi journalist working for the Guardian and Britain’s Channel 4 was investigating the misuse and theft of funds, American troops, according to the Guardian, “blasted their way into [his] home... firing bullets into the bedroom where he was sleeping with his wife and children”, put a hood on his head, seized his videotapes, and dragged him off for interrogation. He was later released.
Darn, I knew I forgot something. “Justice Sunday III” was today, broadcast on finer Christian tv stations everywhere, and I forgot to watch. Rick Santorum said that “The only way to restore this republic our founders envisioned is to elevate honorable jurists like Samuel Alito”. Republic? Are you sure you aren’t thinking monarchy, Rick? Or theocracy? (I started writing Holy Roman Empire there, but realized it might be taken as a reference to the forthcoming Catholic majority on the Supreme Court, which wasn’t what I had in mind). Little Ricky claimed... actually, I want to point out that the WaPo truncated his comment to “extremely liberal justices [are] destroying traditional morality”, when the complete quote is, “destroying traditional morality, creating a new moral code and prohibiting any dissent.” Damn activist judges: that’s the role of the executive branch.

On the other hand, the Post mentioned, and the AP left out, that the event was held at a black church, whose pastor has received over $1 million from the federal government through the Faith Based Initiative program. One speaker is from something called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation; didn’t really think that acronym through, huh?
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