Cheney doesn’t much like terrorists, but then perhaps he’s projecting just a little: “They dwell in the shadows [undisclosed location], wear no uniform [I had other priorities], and have no regard for the laws of warfare [cough], and feel unconstrained by any standard of morality [cough cough].”
Evidently, everything Cheney learned about good government, he learned from... Gerald Ford:
Serving immediately after a period of turmoil, all of us in the Ford administration worked hard to restore people’s confidence in the government.As opposed to restoring government to a condition where the people could repose confidence in it.
We were adamant about following the law and protecting civil liberties of all Americans, and we did so. Three decades later, I work for a President who shares those same values.Ford nostalgia fever: Catch it!!
Also, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, and just for a change of pace, 8/11. Domestic surveillance is necessary to prevent another 9/11, and in fact has actually prevented, oh, let’s say, eight 9/11s that you’ve never even heard about, because we’re just that good.

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