The Allies
give in to the US’s demand that it get a share in the reparations Germany will pay under the Dawes Plan, despite never having ratified the Versailles Treaty.
Kansas Gov. Jonathan Davis
attributes his son’s taking that bribe in exchange for a pardon, which he calls “indiscreet acts,” to his “unsophisticated nature.” Russell Davis apologizes for being “led into such a trap.” The state Justice Dept was already investigating other pardons. Convicted murderer Glenn Davis (no relation)
says Gov. Davis refused him a pardon after he refused to pay a bribe (which he couldn’t afford).
The Kansas Supreme Court
rules that the Ku Klux Klan is illegally operating as a business in the state, selling Klan paraphernalia and whatnot, and not as a benevolent society, and so cannot continue without a charter. What are the chances of it being issued a charter? Well, at the last election it tried and failed to defeat two of the Charter Board’s three members, the attorney general and secretary of state, so...
Charles Evans Hughes
resigns as secretary of state so he can make some big lawyer bucks. He’ll be replaced by Ambassador to the UK Frank Kellogg.
Pres. Coolidge
rejects the objections of Michigan congresscritters to his nomination of Charles Warren from that state to be attorney general. They think that there’s a home-state senator veto over appointments; he tells them there isn’t.
Local anesthesia is
progressing. In a story suspiciously lacking the name of the patient or the hospital, a patient smoked a cigar and drank a highball while his appendix was being removed.
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