Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Today -100: February 18, 1920: Not in politics

The Allies decide that the Dardenelles and Bosporus will be removed from Turkish control and internationalized under the League of Nations. They will graciously allow Turkey to keep its capital city Constantinople, but may take it away if massacres of Armenians continue.

Headline of the Day -100: 

He has a name, you know.

Poet-Aviator Gabriele D’Annunzio says annexation of Fiume by Italy is now impossible.

Both houses of the Maryland Legislature reject the women’s suffrage Amendment, 18-9 in the Senate, 64-36 in the House of Delegates. The argument being made by the Antis is a States’ Rights one, because of course it is. They contend that such an amendment isn’t even valid, since it “would wholly or partially destroy the State, by taking away from the States... one of their functions essential to their separate independent existence as States.” Also, the legislators say, the Maryland Constitution limits suffrage to men, so voting to ratify would itself violate the state Constitution. 

Sen. Warren G. Harding’s friends in the Ohio Legislature pass a bill to change the rules for primaries, allowing him not to have to declare for reelection to the Senate until after he knows if he has the presidential nomination. But Gov. James Cox (D), who has some presidential ambitions himself, vetoes it.

The French Senate begins the treason trial of former prime minister Joseph Caillaux for “plotting against the external security of the State by manoeuvres, machinations and intelligence with the enemy” during the war.

Russian White Supreme Commander Anton Denikin gives up his dictatorial powers under pressure from The Cossacks, who think pretending to be a democracy will stop all their military reversals, or something.

Headline of the Day -100:  

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