Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Today -100: June 8, 1921: Of bindings, uneasy hats, bathing costumes, and detention

Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes says recognition of Mexico would require it to sign a treaty “binding itself” to protect property rights, specifically US property rights, meaning oil.

The new Northern Ireland Parliament meets for the first time.  40 members, all Unionists, show up. The Sinn Féiners and Nationalists, of course, do not. “The members of Parliament wore new glossy silk hats, which made them appear uneasy.” There are two women members; “They took the oath with their hats on.”

Atlantic City politicians are worried about the increasingly strong opinions about bathing costumes: “The last thing the officials want to see is a definite line-up of the newly enfranchised women, with the younger women demanding more freedom on the beach, and the older, but more influential, insisting upon a continuation of the present rules.”

Oklahoma Attorney General S.P. Freeling files the first charges related to the Tulsa race war and wouldn’t you know it, all four charged are black. Also, all black people found on the streets of Tulsa without identification, starting tomorrow, will be put in the detention camp.

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