Monday, April 03, 2023

Today -100: April 3, 1923: They will never put the Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in City Hall

In military breakthrough news, Russia says it has discovered a means of harnessing the latent energy of the atmosphere to hurl objects of any size almost unlimited distances. And the US Army says it has developed a gas mask impervious to all poison gases, including carbon monoxide and... wait, they’ve been using cocoanut shells to make gas masks up until now?

(Update: I’m informed the Russia story may have been a joke  – does Russian even have April Fools Day? – that was taken seriously.)

Mobs rampage through the Jewish district of Jassy, Romania.

A grand jury investigating last year’s trial of Illinois Gov. Len Small indicts three men for conspiracy, including two fixers and one of the jurors, who after the trial was appointed deputy state game warden. Authorities are still looking for two witnesses, including a Chicago detective and labor leader “Umbrella Mike” Boyle.

The Chicago mayoral election takes place today. The last days have been marked by anonymous cards, believed to originate with the KKK, attacking William Dever (D)’s Catholicism with a fake reprint from a Catholic newspaper telling Catholics that they are Catholics first, citizens second. D’s in turn pointed out Arthur Lueder (R)’s German ancestry.

A federal judge in Kentucky rules that federal prohibition cops can stop and search cars without warrants. Another federal judge recently ruled that they can’t.

NY Gov. Al Smith vetoes a bill allowing cities of the second class, which I take to mean every city except NYC, to limit automobile speed to a minimum of 20 mph, up from the present 15 mph. Smith won’t allow this until driver’s licenses are introduced, with a driver’s test. This already exists, but only in NYC, and is opposed by upstate Republicans.

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