Monday, August 28, 2023

Today -100: August 28, 1923: Virtual but not actual technical recognition

The US has recognized the Mexican government. No, wait, it’s given it “virtual but not actual technical recognition.”

Stuttgart, Germany declares a state of siege because Communists threaten to celebrate Party Day. The police ban it, so they have a picnic in the woods.

Arthur Finley, a constable in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, pleads guilty to being part of a Klan flogging party. He’s sentenced to 2 years. 3 other participants pled guilty last week. The victim was a Myrtle Spain, 22, a married woman accused of improper relations with a younger man named Goolsby. A few days later her husband died in a parachute accident and she married Goolsby shortly after that. So she is now named Myrtle Goolsby, which is surely punishment enough.

The Klan calls off a parade in Binghamton, New York, saying their rules say they can’t parade without a permit. The mayor keeps telling them parades don’t need permits in Binghamton. There’s a street battle between kluxers and opponents, and someone gets a little stabbed. I assume there is no requirement for permits for street fights either.

NYT Index Typo of the Day -100:  

Her real name was Letitia Rudge. Her 4 sisters also entered show business, one as Lydia Flopp and one as Fanny Dango.

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