Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Today -100: September 17, 1924: Silence


Headline of the Day -100:  


But not with the NAACP, whose secretary James Weldon Johnson points out in a letter to Coolidge that he seems to have forgotten to make a statement disavowing Klan support. Funny that. He warns that black voters will vote against candidates, even Republicans, backed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Presidential candidate John W. Davis has to wear his arm in a sling because of all that hand-shaking at the farm of a Dr. Arthur Nelson in Bunceton, Missouri. The mass of hand-shakees also raided the kitchen, taking all the food intended for Davis and Dr. Nelson’s family.

30 klansmen enter the African M.E. Church in Galesburg, Illinois during a fund-raising social to donate $65. The church gives it back.

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