Sunday, August 28, 2022

Today -100: August 28, 1922: Meeting good faith with good faith and good-will with good-will

Éamon de Valera has supposedly been injured.

British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill telegraphs William Cosgrave, the acting head of the Irish government, that the Anglo-Irish Treaty still stands, despite 2 of its 5 Irish signers having died this month, 1 having retired, and another having deserted to the nationalist side. He says Britain “will meet good faith with good faith and good-will with good-will,” which kinda sounds like a threat.

Copper mines in the West are complaining about a shortage of miners due to the new immigration laws. Also they pay less than the oil fields but sure, it’s probably the immigration thing.

All of the Klan-supported candidates in the Texas Democratic primary win except impeached former governor James Ferguson, who’s just as racist as anyone else, god knows, but also supports light wines and beer.

Radio station WEAF of NYC broadcasts the first radio commercial, a 15-minute infomercial for an apartment complex in Jackson Heights. “You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your family to leave the hemmed-in, sombre-hued, artificial apartment life of the congested city section and enjoy what nature intended you enjoy.”

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