Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Today -100: August 30, 1922: Of bluffs, gliders, hirams, and finks

Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover says Henry Ford’s announced plans to shut down all his plants over coal shortages/high costs are a bluff and that only $1.50 would be added to the cost of a car. There are also rumors that Ford’s plan is that his laid off workers would get jobs as scabs with the railroads to help break the strike.

Headline of the Day -100:  

Gliders! Giant gliders! They’re planning to map out wind currents so these giant motorless airships can just fly and fly for thousands of miles.

Contrary to the NYT’s predictions, Hiram Johnson is winning the Republican primary to keep his US Senate seat. Upton Sinclair is unopposed for the Socialist nomination for Senate. But more interestingly, in California, there are 927,000 registered Republicans, at least a plurality in every county, 305,000 Democrats, 22,511 Socialists, and 21,250 Prohibitionists (plus 173,000 decline to states).

Italy’s idea for an economic & customs union with Austria has crashed and burned.

Henry Fink, who wrote the songs “I’ve Wasted My Love on You” and “The Curse of an Aching Heart, or You Made Me What I Am Today,” is getting divorced.

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