Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Today -100: September 14, 1922: Of mandates, duels, mad anti-hatters, and babbitts

The Universal Negro Improvement Association, which used to be Marcus Garvey’s group but is no longer, applies to the League of Nations for a mandate over some part of Africa, possibly taking over the British mandate in South West Africa, where the British distinguished themselves by bombing villages over the non-payment of dog licenses.

There is a question as to whether Hungary’s law restricting the number of Jews attending universities applies to refugees. Somehow this argument has resulted in the rector of Budapest University challenging the rector of the University of Szegedin to a duel, with swords.

The straw hat season is over, or will be on the 15th, so “rowdies” throughout New York City smash people’s hats, as was the custom. There are straw hat bonfires. Magistrate Peter (ahem) Hatting fines 7 hat-smashers $5 each before threatening that the next defendants will go to jail.

Gov. Thomas Hardwick of Georgia is defeated for re-election in the Democratic primaries due to his opposition to the Ku Klux Klan, losing to actual klansman Clifford Walker. 

Sinclair Lewis’s Babbitt is published.

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